I was at the computer one day and I was surfing the web just a browsing, when all of the sudden I thought for a moment that maybe I could find something on knitting. Sure enough there was, http://www.knittinghelp.com/ what a great web site on knitting tools and patterns. I had no idea that I could learn this trade of a hobby, I was estastic with joy and anxious to learn, I looked at the videos that had to watch. I looked and looked to try to see if there was any thing to help me out, there it was a video on how cast the yarn to start out. Then there was the video on how to start to the knit and so on to the purl and all that other beautiful techniques to learn to do. "Wow" I am a knitter after all these years of being blinded from this great hobby and now I own it to try to do more awesome things in the knitting world.
You just never know until you try it and then "hey" you are a hooked, soul seeking more of the thing that you sought for. I am so thankful that this has become a part of me and that I can do more, well, the next lesson is sock making that has been the ultimate task on trying to learn and even with me I am not a recipe reader where you have to follow along. No, not me the same with the pattern directions can't get it through this thick skull of mine. But you know I try to read the directions on what the heck they are talking about, still I just don't get it, but if I can get through this then I will be the ultimate knitter just like the rest of the great knitters in the past. Anyways, I have a website that diplays some of my creations, the one thing that I bring to the table is the purses and the caps. In the website I also make jewelry, that is the next passion that I have to tell you about.
What a wonderful past time to do is jewelry making, I also had no idea that I had it in me to don this beautiful work. You know I suprise myself in so many areas, but again you never know until you try it. Yes there is jewelry on the website, it's theme is Navajo. Which makes sense I am after all a Navajo woman, I was taught this remarkable hobby trade from my beautiful cousin that lives in Kayenta, AZ. She is so patient with everyone in our family and with others, does not matter how they treat her she is so kind to forgive and go on. Anyways, she offered to show me how to start and also she so good at business and what works and what doesn't around the area. In the first day I had made 5 necklaces and then the next day made earrings and more necklaces. Now I am hooked with delight and want to do more to add to the creation site! Now I am going to go in to a little of myself and the business that we have.
I am a woman that has always worked all my life since I was 13 yrs old, and I am glad that I did. This time of my life the last year or so I worked at a coal mine in WY and then I quit to come home to be with my family and to be a mom/mother to my little ones. You know when you work at the coal or any mine it takes away alot of time from your little ones that you want so much to spend time with. I am a single mother that loves my babies, working in construction can bring good benefit to your lives and such, but man it takes that precious time away from the ones that mean more than that.

So in all that thought that I wanted was not what I wanted at all, there was that thought that I wanted to quit and be a mother and be a homemaker to my kids. I took that initial step to sell everything that we had and go south for the rest of our lives. What a transition to making the big dough to not having any money to spend except for the essentials for our living.
I made a wise investment on spending more valuable time with the kiddos, so then I spent alot of time just a thinking away and knitting alot too! One day I thought to myself that I wanted to get a purse. Not just any old purse but the purse that was unique and my style that I love, sorta hippish and cute with a distinct sense of a vintage look that is warm. Could not find it anywhere! I got fed up and decided to make a purse that I liked and wanted, so I picked out the color that I thought would suit me. Off I went to knitting my purse, I had no idea that I was wanting to knit more similar ones to it and selling them, then had the idea that I wanted to make felted mini hand bags. All of the sudden it turned another corner and jewelry making came into the picture! To let you know that this is a small business that is still try'n to get the word out to take a look at my stuff. I'll have to give you all my website address http://dphknitcreationstuff.yolasite.com/ I hope you like the good stuff that I have and hope that you will take the time to see all that I made and maybe you can do or have already tried to want to have some encouragement. Just keep try'n to get it right and if you don't succeed the first time try again.
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