I have a time to do my work such as the knitting projects that I need to get done, there again just being a "procrastinator". Then soon I will be starting school again, that will be great being the way that I am, wonderful. I can't be this a way I'll never get anything done, but on lighter note, lately I have been on facebook. Conversing and talking to old friends, of course relatives too, you gotta love them. It has been real nice to get in touch with people, but then there is the chatter box where you can actually have conversations over the Internet.
Now at first I thought that was fantastic and fun, but then the more and more I got to be on the darn thing, it seemed all the time. Me! I am not much of a relater, I like my friends don't get me wrong, there are certain ones that immediately jumps on the chatter box often too much and it makes me want to throw my computer out the window. Each time I get on the account I have to check if there is someone I know that has this problem of wanting to chatter on for along time. And I know that I have a choice to respond back or not, then again the guilt? I can't get past the guilt and I know I can be a bitch or a meany, preferably a meany would be better.
I had to explain to one fella that I am a loner and I like my quiet time where no one bothers me and I can enjoy looking at my friends photos to put comments up on their wall. I don't mind the comments we leave to one another, that doesn't bother me. It's just that I have kids that I have to tend to and having conversations on the chatter thing makes it tough to concentrate on my kiddos. They need my attention, they need me more than those that I haven't seen or even talked to for a long time.
Now the friends that hardly ever go on the chatter box is certainly a friend of mine, I have facebook buddies that are on line and they don't bother me. It seems that they know we need our space or they just don't care which is fine with me cause that tells me that we are on the same page. So I hate to bother those that are on line, because you never know they might feel the same way as I do.
I, myself am a loner been that way for awhile and I do not mind it at all, I do sometimes miss the comforts of a man in my life, at times I really do miss it. But I am content for now to having my kids and my self, weird ya think? I don't, it's the way things go with certain people, I may change my mind you never know, situations in my life may change to a life that requires having a significant other, I do hope that it does happen. I do wish that my life the way I feel will change to having someone so dear that it makes me happy and content.
For fun I thought to check out my astrology just to see what it said about who would be the best match for me. It's weird they got all the different symbols and signs of our birth and blah, blah eventually figured I it out. Anyhow, I looked at mine to see who I would be best compatible with, I read that I am more compatible with Scorpio and goes the same with Cancer, ain't that weird?
I say weird because my daughters dad is a Cancer, my thought was "Oh I guess I screwed that one up, didn't I?" Nothing can be changed on that. But the number one sign that was most compatible, the Scorpio, "the Scorpio" it stated that we were meant to be, warning to not lose one another because we are a keeper, a perfect match. My thoughts was "wow", it worked out for my friends in Moab, they're signs was a perfect match for sure. Both are capricorn and they match prefectly, which you wouldn't think that both signs could work, but they do.
I tell you what they are so happy even in their lowest times, when you look at them looking at each other in love it makes you ill. With me, that is the way I see couples, when they are lovey dovey it just doesn't set well in my tummy, "grose". It's amusing that couples think it funny to say these things to them, so I don't mind say'n it to my friends and family, it's sick!
Ryder x Urban Outfitters
6 years ago
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