Happy Fourth of July knitting friends, I am just drinking a good cup of coffee and relaxing, the last two days have been
kind'a stressful. I'm
try'n to keep my ever heavy head up, working on a purse that looks cute I was going to make it with a flower material in the lining, but it won't look good that way. So I decided to do the denim again, the next purse is going to have the flower pattern. I do have to get some more of the heather yarn, I am
running out of the yarn that I have come to love so much. I found some online and intend to purchase it and use it for my knitting projects. They come in a array of colors that are warm and so delightful, then I was needing to make more jewelry to put on the website. So much to do and so little time, doing all in ones list.

This is the project that I have been working on, still working on finishing the strap of the purse and the final interior lining. I always get excited of the outcome of the final tasks, I am excited for this purse I just hope who ever purchase it will be happy with it.

Today we are going to have the Fourth of July here in
Kayenta, AZ and grill some burgers and
hot dogs. Good old fashion grilling, then later
tonight the town is suppose to hold a huge fireworks display, this is going to be the first for all of us to spend the holiday here on the reservation. I'm excited for the kids and all of us to have this small family get together. I know that it's special for me, my son usually spends the fourth with his dad, every summer. This is the first for both of us to spend the fourth with our family, with divorce it is the one thing I really don't like, is on special holidays you don't have your kids at that time. But this is the way divorce is for some people, that is unfortunate but my ex-husband and I get along now. This was done for the sake of my son and it works out, besides we were together for many years and that accounts to hold friendships. I only hope the best for the father and his little family too! There are times that I feel
different about the hope part and that is expected in any relationship, this happens when the ex is
act'n like a horses butt toward you, then of course it changes. Only for a moment and we call each other back and apologize to one other, but that's seldom we get mad at toward each other.
Plans, plans do we really have enough time to do things? "Of course we do", I know that I can read a book, that is my latest past time that I put on my agenda of things to do each day. It has been nice to pick a book up and escape. Not only that but to inform your mind on each word and phrase that you look at, also in the way that the author speaks to you. The book that I'm reading is the Bridges in Madison County, I know, it's a common small book but I love the romance in the tale of two older adults in the middle of nowhere. I mean I'm in the middle of nowhere in hot AZ on the reservation, I'd like to dream of a tall blue eyed, hazel is good too, kinda
blonde guy wander around here and have a little romance with him. I am a sucker for
blonde's they make me fall to my knees, had
rendezvous with b
londie's that's how I had my two beautiful miracles. So reading has enlightened me and so I've made a vow to try to read a book to open my mind. I have this crazy dream to be a writer, at least I'd like to write a book and get it published and have that handed down to generations to generations. If I can make a mark in this life I'd like it to be through words for my kids and their kids. That way they can have history in the family tree, my grandfather made his mark in our
family tree, he was a well known medicine man that was wise in the herbal medicines.
That is a man that needs to be written about so I'll tell you more of this remarkable man that I call my grandpa, lived to be 104 or more, he had no birth certificate and many known of him when they were little but at the time he was older in age. Then when he had passed away, they were in their late 80's or more they'd say this, amazing and here in
Kayenta there is a beautiful Navajo lady that is 106 yrs old and walks around as though she's in her 60's so sweet. I know my grandpa used his herbs and ways of cleansing the traditional way to heal his body, he was faithful in keeping his body in check. More on him later I'm gonna enjoy this wonderful holiday and write on him tomorrow when I have more time, gonna get breakfast going and finish my purse that I have to finish.
Laters knitting peeps and friends.
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