There is no meaning in that at all, this morning I was putting some poetry entry in my other blog, that is one of the other passion that I have. I have tried to put everything in words cause there is so much in little brain of mine, the last couple of days have been frustrating to me. I have knitting and have my knitting stuff but no business. I really don't want to take it out and sell it around here, cause they won't sell, I hate to sound like a "meany : <". The people around here only spend when it is a nice traditional item or cheap. If I took them out to the sales outside of the reservation then they will sell great cause they appreciate the work and time. Here, when I take out my knit stuff, they look at it as if it were not worth the price at all. It's frustrating for me to sell around here. Then I try to build a website and that is not even going on the ball. What is it that I need to do?
I guess that I just need to just hang in there and wait to see what happens, "yikes" maybe if I wait and wait then all of the sudden. "BOOM", there is going to be many orders coming in? Isn't that the way it works, "be careful for what you wish for". At least that is what comes from the lottery winners and then they get in trouble. You know sometimes I wish that I was a lottery winner, wouldn't that just be something else. I'd probably go bankrupt fast!
So here it is, I'm laying out on the table, I'm a single mother just wait'n on the child support to pay the bills that shelters my daughter and gives her the comforts of home. I'm waiting and waiting, meanwhile the check doesn't come in and I am festering and crying out to the Lord to help put some money in the bank account. I know you all are probably thinking, "then get off your butt and make money". That's the problem with me is that I'm a goof when it comes to making money.
I need some kind of strategy and a plan to go out there and advertise my products, so today I am gonna go out and sell wholesale on jewelry. I hope that will work out perfect, if not that perfect, then I'll settle for good. Then again I'm not sure what to do, I know first thing that I need to call my dad to help me pay for a bill that is late and then we'll be good. So that is the story of the knitters memoir, pretty sad huh? In every thing there has to be a season and a time to go through this depressing stage.
I know my friends and family are making the "buck" they can they have education and a the smarts to do what they can. I did the coal mining thing then moving out here to think that they would hire me in a heart beat, that was a joke, no hire, no acceptance. That was hard to swallow, with all the experience with the time that I had on the coal mine, then they don't even want to give me a try. That is the way the cookie crumbles I guess and now I am struggling to find that something to keep my family afloat it is tough, tough times is no joke.
I know what I want and to get there takes more money, more time and more effort than what I'm dishing out. Hoping that it all gets better and that the way is not too far away, I know the Way, the Truth and the Light, He's there with me. I just need to seek Him more than I do, more intimately. That is the way to success, the key to an abundant life, more peaceful and fulfilling life, I need that. Oh does my spirit and soul need that, and my body, "big time".
So guess what I am going to get down on knees and pray, do what Forrest Gump did and go to Church and praise God. Gett'n "Bubba Gump" started and going big time. Get peace and fulfillment like Leutinent Dan, peace like the rainbow, oh how I long to have that. Just a little extra.
Ryder x Urban Outfitters
6 years ago
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